Ty Grenier

This website contains the art of Ty Grenier, including digital and traditional full illustrations, sketches, works in progress, and anything else he deems cool enough to show to everybody.

May the Fourth be with you!

I'm going to be making an effort to stream fairly often, even if I only have a few hours and don't work on anything important. Today that meant realizing it was May Fourth and deciding Rey would make a good subject to stretch my 'ole painting muscles a bit.

This was about an hour and a half. I *think* I recorded it, but I'll have to check later if I can edit and upload it since I now have to go to work. But hopefully there will be a timelapse soon.

If you enjoy my artwork and would like to help me have more time for drawing and making instructional videos and the whatnot to help newer artist, please consider my Patreon.

I take commissions. Pricing is completely dependent on each individual project, so please contact me and we can work out a plan.