Banshee Queens and Bad-A Apocalypse Women
I haven't really played World of Warcraft in a while. I dabbled for a month or two here and there to see what's new, but the last expansion to catch my eye was Wrath of the Lich King, years ago.
Then they came out with the Battle for Azeroth Cinematic. Ho-ly cow.
Anduin in his new role as king, with fancy armor appropriate for his name and heritage and his dad's sword. Sylvanas and her angry eyebrows reflect on how fighting is necessary to allow her people a place in the world. An epic battle takes place. How could I NOT draw something?
Well, I've nearly got the line art for Sylvanus done, and will soon be coloring it. Anduin is sketched out, waiting to receive the same treatment.
A couple feathers for the shoulders, and a couple arrows, then I can COLOR DAT
I also learned about a little...contest? Kinda a contest, not really. Look, Rooster Teeth is wanting some artists to try out a femme-fatale graphic novel version of their top content producers. I've gone through a couple of ideas, and I think I've got a sketch going that I like. Lots of work left here, but I hope to have a very gritty, comic-book-cover style image when I'm done.