Skin Concept that's been eating my time
Still working on this...there is a lot that you're not seeing here, as well. I am designing a skin concept for Zarya from the game Overwatch. Poor Zarya doesn't have any good I decided to create an idea for her of my own. My challenge to myself was to design it in such a way that if it were implemented, the developers wouldn't have to change any existing animations and the abilities would actually still work with the design elements. For example, her standard skin right now has a gun that fires a steady beam, a glob of energy that deals splash damage, and her ultimate is a gravitational well that sucks people into it and holds them for a short time; this design would fire a stream of water like a super soaker, a glob of water that splashes (duh), and her ultimate would be a whirlpool.
At this point I'm rendering up the design I settled on at the end, then I'll put together the whole concept sheet with all of the iterations I didn't use as well.