Ty Grenier

This website contains the art of Ty Grenier, including digital and traditional full illustrations, sketches, works in progress, and anything else he deems cool enough to show to everybody.

Essence of Cute?

It's always nice to take a break from what you're working on, go do something else, and come back and see the hundreds of problems with your work. Some people work for an hour and take a 15 minute break, adjusting as they go. This is probably smarter, as it keeps you from wandering too far from the end goal; it's also what I want to start doing. Other people, like myself right now, work for hours and then have to take a lot longer of a break before looking at that piece again AT ALL.

So here's some progress I've made to the cute little character I've been making. I fixed and softened some anatomy, worked up some values, and generally made her less...demonic, and more cute. She still kicks some butt, though.

I take commissions. Pricing is completely dependent on each individual project, so please contact me and we can work out a plan.