Ty Grenier

This website contains the art of Ty Grenier, including digital and traditional full illustrations, sketches, works in progress, and anything else he deems cool enough to show to everybody.

Ferra-my and Mat-torr

Once upon a time, Jeremy Dooley and Matt Bragg from Achievement Hunter faced off against Joel Heyman and Adam Ellis in the then-new Mortal Kombat X. Each team of two shared a controller and split the controls of a single character. Mayhem ensued. One of the characters Matt and Jeremy used was Ferra and Torr (I know, two people, but still one character play-wise). Jeremy made the mistake of saying "This is fanart I don't want."

Started this a year and a half ago and suffered a corrupted file after my computer bluescreened while working on it. I was only able to salvage a flattened JPEG of it and got discouraged and frustrated...but I didn't trash it. Only just now decided to work from the JPEG and finish it.

I take commissions. Pricing is completely dependent on each individual project, so please contact me and we can work out a plan.