A new place and a new project
So, I'm moving again. Well I'm currently bumming a couch for a few months and I'll be moving into a new place at the end of October. Point is, I don't have a good place to set up my computer and tablet, so I'm forced to try to work on my laptop that hates my Intuos. Digital work is partially on pause until after I get my current portrait commission done and get moved into an apartment.
That being said, I have a very big, very involved, personal project I will be working on with lots of steps and updates and interesting things. I hope to film a lot of mini tutorials and stream a lot with an open format while doing this project, so please get comfy and join!
Already outlined a story and ideas I want to build this project around. Here are a few beginning character sketches, just playing around with shapes to give each character the feel I want
Here's a rough schedule:
October - loose character, environment concepts
November - starting into full character sheets
December - mostly in Alaska on vacation, but I will start storyboarding
January - Storyboards! Thinking about sequentially illustrating in two ways, as a pitch for an action scene to be later animated/acted AND as a rough-draft for a comic layout
February - starting full illustrations, key frame and promotional pieces