Ty Grenier

This website contains the art of Ty Grenier, including digital and traditional full illustrations, sketches, works in progress, and anything else he deems cool enough to show to everybody.

Heroes Progress

I've been working on my entry for the Heroes of the Storm art contest. It's been a lot of fiddling with positioning and slowly working on lines, but it's getting there. Here are the lines for the characters (still need to work on Nova's gun) with a very quick lighting test. From here I'll finish up lines and background, then start the process of painting in color and light. From here on out it will look better and better very quickly, so I probably won't post any more until I'm ready to submit the thing.

Just imagine a background and some spikes ;)

I take commissions. Pricing is completely dependent on each individual project, so please contact me and we can work out a plan.