Quick post
I just haven't put anything here in a little while. Time for a quick update.
About 3 1/2 years ago, Jeremy Cranford (an art director at Blizzard at the time) gave an assignment to my illustration class taught by Ron Spears. In that class I used what limited skill I had at the time to create a painting of Anub'arak, a giant beetle-ish boss from World of Warcraft.
Vaeflare, a community manager from Blizzard, contacted me late last year about posting the image. I thought it was just going into a fanart gallery somewhere, but it turns out they used it as one of the 5 fan-created pieces in a news update of the main site for Heroes of the Storm (about halfway down this page). I'm flattered, of course, but I've grown so much since then that I feel a need to represent myself a bit better! An illustration of one of the heroes they haven't covered yet is in the works.
Life has me in a tight spot at the moment. We all have times like it, when we are back on our heels and have to take effort away from what we want just to get by for the meantime. Just haven't caught a break yet despite my efforts!
Anyway, here's a photo study/practice whatever you want to call it. Original photo is here.