Ty Grenier

This website contains the art of Ty Grenier, including digital and traditional full illustrations, sketches, works in progress, and anything else he deems cool enough to show to everybody.

Trip and fall

So, a few illustrators from the university I've been attending went on a little illustrator road trip recently up to Washington state. We got to meet with several companies and people that relate directly or indirectly to our majors. Our fearless leader and peer Ann Middleton wrote up all the details in several  posts on her blog.

I have yet to borrow a friend with a good camera to capture some of the traditional things I've done lately, but I'll post a few bad pictures here so you'll know I'm not COMPLETELY lazy.

This is the start of a project to bring some of my favorite characters from a webcomic to life. 10 points if you guess what webcomic!This will have the halfling there redone, then finished with ink, then scanned back into Photoshop to fully paint it.

This is the start of a project to bring some of my favorite characters from a webcomic to life. 10 points if you guess what webcomic!
This will have the halfling there redone, then finished with ink, then scanned back into Photoshop to fully paint it.

Quick (6 hour?) acrylic painting I did based from a sketch of Michael Milano's centaur digital sculpt http://www.deviantart.com/art/Centaur-438864589

Nothing too special, just a quick doodle while I was at work to show a friend how to break down pictures into large, then smaller and smaller shapes to get the picture you want.

I take commissions. Pricing is completely dependent on each individual project, so please contact me and we can work out a plan.